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Employee Handbook

The purpose of this Employee Handbook is to provide a central, authoritative reference source for identifying and communicating personnel policies and procedures to all Perimeter employees. It should not be construed as a legal contract or modification/alteration of status as an “at-will” employee, but rather as a helpful source of guidance for all employees on personnel matters.

No policy or procedure in this manual shall be used to discriminate against any employee because of race, color, ethnicity, age, national origin, genetic information, or handicap.

Any questions concerning the interpretation, application or administration of these policies and procedures should be directed to Human Resources (HR) department.

It is obviously not possible to anticipate every situation that may arise in the workplace or to provide information that answers every possible question. As a result, the Church reserves the right to modify, supplement, rescind, or revise any policy, benefit, or provision from time to time, with or without notice, as it deems necessary or appropriate.

This version of the Employee Handbook supersedes previous versions.

CHURCH EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK: Church Employee Handbook

SCHOOL EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK: School Employee Handbook